Gramatica Primary
These are some of the questions that teachers often ask. If you have a question not answered here, please email Greg.
Thankfully, no. Gramatica is a revolutionary new way of both teaching and learning grammar. It is simple, relevant, fun, logical, is based on 18 years of research and practice, and makes sense!
Gramatica believes (and we hope you will too!) that
As a result of two decades of research, classroom practice, trial and error, we believe strongly in our central motto, Tell your own story.
In particular, we believe that * All students have stories. These stories are deeply personal and enormously important. We also believe that students learn better when * the material is relevant and has direct application to their lives. * they are taught how to think. * they are taught how to use grammar/writing tools. * they have ownership of the end result, * they are active creators of knowledge rather than passive receivers. * the material is hands-on. * the material is visual and colour-coded. * they know that their stories are appreciated, celebrated and valuable. DOES GRAMATICA FOLLOW THE CURRICULUM?
Yes. Since your students' education must align with your local or national curriculum, Gramatica does too. Furthermore, Gramatica takes difficult to understand concepts and terminology in the curriculum and offers much simpler, more user-friendly parallel concepts and terminology.
Yes. Because Gramatica uses life-relevant learning ideas and tools, it works for any student of any age. Greg has personally used Gramatica ideas and tools with students as young as 5 and throughout all primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
You may also be interested to know that Greg has used Gramatica in ESL classes with students from over 60 countries (from Albania to Zambia), all ability levels, all ages (his oldest student to date was 70, and he is currently tutoring online both a 7 year old Japanese boy and a 63 year old HR manager from Turkey), and many different learning and cultural styles. Is gramatica easy to understand?
Yes. Gramatica uses life-relevant metaphors rather than technical terminology. In fact, it is so simple to understand that, if your students understand the colours red, green, yellow, the numbers 1, 2, 3, and common every day concepts such as house, live, friends, visit, always and sometime, start and finish, time, person, place, method and reason, they will understand Gramatica.
Gramatica uses user-friendly terminology in parallel with more technical terminology, IS GRAMATICA DATA-READY?
Yes. Since we use data to inform teaching practice, it is vital that Gramatica provides you with clear, transparent success criteria and the assessment tools to mark student work.
Yes. While students on the spectrum are all different, many find the Gramatica colour-coded, hands-on cards to be tremendously attractive and understandable. Teachers have reported that students on the spectrum have demonstrated much greater success with Gramatica cards than with traditional methodologies.
What support do you offer?
We regard your annual license as a partnership. As a result, we offer 4 hours of mentoring over the year of your license. To make this easier for everyone, we do this via Zoom, either for yourself or your class. Greg will also answer your emails, of course, and take your phone calls.
has it been used in classrooms?
Yes. Gramatica has been used successfully in schools across Perth, Australia and in New Orleans, USA.
A considerable amount. The full list of researchers is too long for this FAQ, but here is a (very brief!) overview.
* Benjamin Bloom, and his famous Taxonomy of Learning. * John Hattie's visible verbs, as well as his myriad works on impact and classroom culture. * Hattie and Timperley's work on feedback. * Janet Nay Zadina's wonderful text on learning 'Multiple Pathways to the Student Brain.' Worth a read! * Bill Allen's work on assessment (together with Kylie Readman and Nathan Reinertsen) * Dylan Wiliam's work on both assessment and feedback. * Sarah-Jane Blakemore's excellent and amusing TED talk (and book) on brain development. * Ron Berger's work on an ethic of excellence and a culture of craftsmanship * Gever Tulley's inspirational Tinkering School. Not related to grammar and writing in any way, but his students use tools in the same way that Gramatica students use grammar. IS GRAMATICA FOR ALL TEACHERS?
Yes. If you are a primary or secondary teacher, you are also a literacy teacher. Since the majority of education is done through writing in the English language, it is vital that you understand how the language functions, how students should write, and how to assess it.
In fact, Greg has taught Gramatica to students from as young as 5 years old to 70 years old. Because Gramatica is simple and life-relevant, any student who is capable of writing or speaking sentences can learn with Gramatica. CAN I USE IT WITH 'TALK FOR WRITING?'
Yes. Talk for Writing focusses on the creative process of writing, whereas Gramatica focusses on the structure. Gramatica acts as the foundation for Talk for Writing. If you have Talk for Writing in place in your class or school, consider adding Gramatica as the structural foundation.
how much does it cost?
Good news! While Gramatica Primary is not free (nothing of value really ever is), we negotiate a price comfortable for your needs and your budget.
Some photos of Greg, students and Gramatica cards. in schools. Permission was given for these students' faces to be shown.
All Gramatica material is copyright under Australian law. All intellectual property is the sole creation of Greg Byrne of Gramatica, and must not be copied, stored, shared or otherwise transmitted in any form, except where expressly permitted.
© Gramatica 2015-2024. All rights reserved. No unauthorised copying or adaptation.