Above all, Gramatica Primary is beautiful. It actually evokes an emotional reaction in some students, who realise that grammar is not the dull, irrelevant subject they might have thought it was. Instead, it is simple, easy to learn, highly structured, relevant and fun. It makes sense. One
Gramatica Primary serves as the single reference point for all grammar questions from all teachers, students and parents in your school. No more will you have one grammar expert teacher in the school whom everyone uses as a reference point. No longer will your teachers have to resort to Professor Google for their answers, or search through a difficult grammar reference text. It also means that all teachers, students and parents speak the same grammatical language. As students move from year to year, they have the security of knowing that their teachers will use, teach and understand the same ideas and words. Training
Gramatica Primary trains all your teachers with all the grammar concepts and skills they need. They learn how to use the Gramatica Primary website, powerpoints, learning cards and assessment documents. Even better, all the sessions are recorded for future reference and for onboarding new staff. Writing
Gramatica Primary serves as not as a separate subject at all. Instead, it becomes the foundation for every piece of writing a student does throughout the student's entire primary journey. English, History, Science, Geography, Creative Writing, Reports, Letters. Everything. Assessment
The Gramatica Primary assessment systems make assessment consistent throughout the school. Gramatica Primary also introduces an innovative device called the Learning Map. Every student in the school carries a Learning Map, which serves as a record of the student's assessments and achievements in grammar througout the student's primary learning journey. It follows the student from year to year, which makes transitions from teacher to teacher very simple indeed. All students
Because Gramatica Primary uses colours to teach grammar, it attracts students of different learning abilities, who begin to see grammar differently, gain confidence and use grammar correctly in their writing. Price
Gramatica Primary believes that all schools are different. One size, and by the same measure, one price, does not fit all. Therefore, we negotiate with you as to what price you believe suits your circumstances and needs. |
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